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Gen-Z Phobia

Writer: The Coping CampThe Coping Camp

We’re all familiar with a few phobias, like Agoraphobia (fear of open spaces. You can probably thank Corpse Husband for that one), Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) etc. These are relatable and understandable, even if the fear is irrational; we can see where they come from. After all, arachnophobia can be seen as an exaggerated fear which stemmed from primal instincts that allowed humans to survive in the olden days.

With the fast-paced development of the human race, new phobias emerge as well, phobias that people who don’t have them, might not be able to understand. They might not seem as intense or terrifying to us, but let’s remember that we all experience and live life in different ways and shouldn’t be judging someone else’s. Life changes, and so do fears.

  1. Allodoxaphobia- a fear of opinions, especially about oneself. 

  2. Arachibutyrophobia- a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (which can essentially feel like choking. I think a fear of choking to death is pretty rational tbh)

  3. Carbophobia- a fear of carbohydrates. Well, with the amount of impossible body expectations that go around the internet, the body shaming within our own families, and the present toxic diet culture, I’m surprised this phobia isn’t more well known. (Can be comorbid with an eating disorder)

  4. Logizomechanophobia - fear of computers. (Her big sister is Technophobia, fear of technology in general)

  5. Anuptaphobia- a fear of being single. With the internet enabling us to publicly exhibit every part of our lives, from aesthetic picnics to loud parties, the FOMO of not dating anyone when it seems like the whole world has partners is real.

  6. Macrophobia- a fear of long waits. As someone who waited at the metro station for like an hour for her college shuttle last night, I believe this.

  7. Alliumphobia- a fear of garlic (mmhmm are you also afraid of crucifixes? Does the sunlight burn your skin too?)

  8. Nomophobia- fear of being without your phone. Of course, we couldn’t make it through this list without at least one phobia related to smartphones.

  9. Phobophobia – a phobia of getting a phobia. Maybe ignorance is bliss. If only there was a phobia of a list ending at 9 and not 10…

Are these phobias real? 

While to people who don’t have them, it can seem quite silly to be scared of garlic, or peanut butter. But it’s important to understand that not everyone has had the same experiences as you. I sometimes cry when I see Minecraft animals dying, and people think that’s super weird. But it’s not weird to me.

Remember to always, always be kind to everyone, you never know where they come from. And as a broke college student, I can attest to the fact that being kind is completely free, despite what the contradicting population of unkind people would have you believe. - Ira Choudhary


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