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How to be an Ally?

Writer: The Coping CampThe Coping Camp

Who is an ally?

An ally in relation to the LGBTQI+ issues, is a person who accepts LGBTQI+ people and advocates for equal rights and fair treatment, they confront challenges faced by the LGBTQIA people and in the society. Allies can identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, cisgender, intersex, queer, questioning, or heterosexual. An ally with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and asexual individuals feels personally congruent to confront and combat homophobia, heterosexual privilege, biprejudice, transphobia, heterosexism and cisgenderism. They try to develop individual attitudes, institutions and culture where LGBTQIA people can feel valued.

Why does it matter?

  • Fight for the LGBT rights is a fight for civil rights.

  • It allows all members of the LGBT to get equal opportunities to succeed and address challenges faced by them in the communities.

  • When speaking about allyship, it also includes intersectionality and how any diverse community can serve another. The members are not just LGBT, they are also people of color, individuals of different faiths, and people who are differently abled, it aligns with the need for representing diversity in every aspect of our lives.

  • Allies help others understand the importance of fairness, equality, acceptance and mutual respect, they are some of the most effective voices of the LGBT movement.

Benefits of being an ally

  • Standing up and confronting prejudice and degretory language can make a difference in young people's lives who hear you speak supportively of the LGBT community.

  • It can empower you by playing an active role in creating a more accepting world.

  • It can help you learn and impact the population you wouldn't have interacted with if you didn't come together because of a shared purpose.

  • It can help you grow and break any family beliefs related to gender role expectations and stereotypes that may have been passed down.

  • Your actions may help others gain the courage to speak and act in support of LGBTQ people.

How to be an ally

  • Stay informed- Educate yourself on various LGBTQIA terms, issues, news, laws, policies, ask questions, do your research, talk to people of the community and be honest about what you don't know.

  • Speak up- Stand up against prejudices, stereotypes and offensive things said by others, it's important to educate them and make sure they know this isn't acceptable. Open discussions with family, friends and colleagues about the community and share your knowledge.

  • Create an open and supportive environment- Create an atmosphere of respect and acceptance, acknowledge and celebrate differences within individuals and groups. Be an open and safe person for others to talk to.

  • Come out as an ally- Mention your pronouns so that it isn’t assumed and becomes an acceptable practice everywhere. Be a proud supporter of the LGBTQI+ community.

  • Take action- Action is the only way to change society as a whole. Stand up for and fight for human rights.

- Tanvi Kalsi


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